Office Order :
Regarding Cyclone Dana
NOTICE : NIT NO. 12(R)/HDA/EC OF 2024-2025 |
NOTICE: NIT NO. 01/HDA/ESTAB/2024-2025(2nd call) |
Cancellation Notice :
ENIT NO. 07(R-1)/HDA/EC(Mech) of 2022-2023 |
Corrigendum Notice-2
NIT No. 01/HDA/ESTB/2024-2025(2nd call) |
NIT NO.-01/HDA/ESTB/2024-2025(2nd call) |
QUOTATION NOTICE NO. 19/HDA/EC of 2024-2025 |
Cancellation Notice : NIT No. 01/HDA/Es of 2024-2025 |
Notice : NIT No. 41/HDA/EC of 2023-2024(3rd call) |