Haldia Bhawan

is one of the most preferred guest houses in the State by the officials, industrialists, travelers and tourists due to its attractive location, maintenance, service and hospitality. Located on the mouth of Hooghly River, Haldia Bhawan offers excellent river and sea view for the tourists.

Just about two hundred meter away from Haldia Bhawan, one can witness sailing of giant ships carrying oil, auto mobiles, coal, and iron ore etc. and docking along the marine drive area.

Satish Samanta Trade Centre

is one of the major achievements of HDA in the financial year 2012-2013 is the Prestigious Satish Samanta Haldia Trade Centre at Sanhati Maidan, Ranichak, Haldia. This is a platform that provides world class facility for trade promotion, boost export and import in Haldia.

Visit our new website https://hda.gov.in/guesthouse
Children (0 to 12 years)